In-depth due diligence when vetting projects and extended industry experience are Cf’s formula for success.
They steadily increase their market share because of a business model that produces excellent results safely and consistently.
Banks are often saddled with extensive administrative requirements and regulations that do not apply to Casco’s modus operandi – offering a distinct competitive edge.
What our Investors say…
Property Valuations
Our valuations focus on protecting the investor, which reflects our strict observance of acceptable loan-to-value ratios.
We mitigate risk levels by considering key factors, such as location, industry sector, and unforeseen market conditions and fluctuations.
Deed of Trust
Having a recorded deed of trust in the investor’s name offers additional security for the investor.
Real estate values are typically less exposed to volatility and risk factors in the financial markets.
Our experience in local real estate in the larger Silicon Valley gives us the advantage of choosing our projects wisely.
Our industry experience and relationships.
We are early adaptors of digital technological advances, which have enhanced efficiency and productivity.
We continually strive to optimize the digital document flow and archiving vaults,
making logistics and admin tasks easy for the investor.
Our model continues to shine in a generally underserved market segment.
Over the past seven years, we have consistently achieved an average return of 9%.
We proudly share our impeccable track record of never losing an investor’s principal amount.
Our expertise lies in creating a mutual fund of loans designed to mitigate risk for our investors.
By diversifying the investments, we aim to protect our investors from the potential negative impact of a single loan defaulting.
40 plus years in investment real estate have shown us how to navigate market fluctuations safely
Investing in Real Estate secured loans is an excellent risk-adjusted instrument; CASCO financial has an outstanding track record doing it successfully